Voting & Elections
Information on Voting and Elections in the State of New Mexico.
Candidates & Campaigns
Information on how to become a candidate and about complying with campaign finance disclosure and reporting requirements.
Legislation, Lobbying & Legal Resources
Learn about Lobbying in our state. Find Legislative information to include Signed & Chaptered Bills and Legal Resources.
Business Services
Start a business, maintain a business or get general information on registered businesses in New Mexico.
Notary & Apostille
Become a notary, renew your notary commission, or obtain information about apostilles or certification of official documents.
Commercial Services
File UCC's, AG Liens, register a trademark or other commercial filings.
Safe at Home
New Mexico’s statewide address confidentiality program administered by the Secretary of State to assist victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking or similar types of crimes to receive mail using the Secretary of State’s address as a substitute for their own.
Learn about how we protect your voter and business information. You might also find a tip or two that will help you secure your information as well.
About New Mexico
Learn about New Mexico Government, History, State Symbols, State Songs and other important information about our state.
Unofficial Election Results
Results will become available after 7 PM on Election Day, November 2, 2021 and will be posted as they are received from the county offices.
Election Results Homepage
Election Day Voter Hotline
Toll Free: 1-800-477-3632
Santa Fe: 505-827-3600 Option 2
The Election Day Voter Hotline is available on Election Day, November 2, from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM to assist voters with questions or concerns.
Voter Resources
Online voter resources include:
Notary & Apostille
Become a Remote Online Notary (RON)
Requirements to be a Remote Online Notary (RON)
The applicant must:
- Be a commissioned New Mexico Notary Public or Automatic Notarial Officer
- Have completed the Remote Online Notary Education course and exam; having passed the exam
- Submit the Remote Online Notary Application along with the filing fee and course certificate
Applying with the Secretary of State be a Remote Online Notary (RON)
There is a $75.00 filing fee for the notary application which will need to be included with the application via check, money order, or operating transfer payable to New Mexico Secretary of State or NMSOS.
Becoming a Remote Online Notary (RON)
Application to become a RON must be completed online at
The applicant must:
- Be a commissioned New Mexico Notary Public or Automatic Notarial Officer; the application is an amendment to a current notary public or automatic notarial officer.
- Successfully complete the Remote Online Notary Education course and exam.
- File the Remote Online Notary Application online, upload a PDF file of the electronic stamp to be used, and pay the $75.00 filing fee via e-check or credit card.
Within 45 days of the notary application being approved, the notary must purchase and provide proof of their official stamp by filing a Notary Public Stamp Registration. If the stamp registration is not completed within 45 days,the Secretary of State is required to refer the notary to the State Ethics Commission.
Online Notarial Acts
A notarial officer is authorized to perform Remote Online Notarizations if the notarial officer:
- Is approved as a Remote Online Notary (RON) by the Secretary of State
- Is physically located in New Mexico at the time the notarial act takes place
A notarial officer authorized to perform Remote Online Notarizations shall:
- Verify the identity of the individual at the start of the online notarial session via communication technology
- Perform authorized notarial acts relating to electronic records only if the individual requesting notarization appears before the notarial officer at the time of notarization by means of communication technology.
- Observe the individual’s behavior and surroundings to ensure they are acting of their own free will and are not acting under coercion or undue influence.
A notarial officer may refuse to complete the notarization if:
- They are unable to verify the identity of the individual
- They become aware that the communication technology is not secure
- They determine the signature of the individual cannot be attached to the electronic record
- They cannot attach their own electronic stamp to the record
- They have reasonable grounds to believe that the individual is acting under coercion or undue influence.