by | Mar 31, 2020 | News Room
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 31 March 2020 Contact: Alex Curtas, Director of CommunicationsNew Mexico Secretary of State’s Office505-469-2783 Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver Supports the Collaborative Effort Between New Mexico’s County...
by | Mar 25, 2020 | News Room
Open Letter | March 25, 2020 COVID-19 has impacted nearly every aspect of our daily lives, but one thing has stayed the same—our American spirit to persevere even during the toughest of times.As Secretaries of State we are natural risk managers, with 40 of us serving...
by | Mar 20, 2020 | News Room
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 20 March 2020 Contact: Alex Curtas, Director of CommunicationsNew Mexico Secretary of State’s Office505-469-2783 Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver Announces Today’s Early Launch of Online Absentee Ballot...
by | Dec 30, 2019 | News Room
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 30 December 2019 Contact: Alex Curtas, Director of Communications New Mexico Office of the Secretary of State 505-469-2783 Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver Releases Draft Rule and Announces Public Input Process...