Voting & Elections
Information on Voting and Elections in the State of New Mexico.
Candidates & Campaigns
Information on how to become a candidate and about complying with campaign finance disclosure and reporting requirements.
Legislation, Lobbying & Legal Resources
Learn about Lobbying in our state. Find Legislative information to include Signed & Chaptered Bills and Legal Resources.
Business Services
Start a business, maintain a business or get general information on registered businesses in New Mexico.
Notary & Apostille
Become a notary, renew your notary commission, or obtain information about apostilles or certification of official documents.
Commercial Services
File UCC's, AG Liens, register a trademark or other commercial filings.
Safe at Home
New Mexico’s statewide address confidentiality program administered by the Secretary of State to assist victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking or similar types of crimes to receive mail using the Secretary of State’s address as a substitute for their own.
Learn about how we protect your voter and business information. You might also find a tip or two that will help you secure your information as well.
About New Mexico
Learn about New Mexico Government, History, State Symbols, State Songs and other important information about our state.
Unofficial Election Results
Results will become available after 7 PM on Election Day, November 2, 2021 and will be posted as they are received from the county offices.
Election Results Homepage
Election Day Voter Hotline
Toll Free: 1-800-477-3632
Santa Fe: 505-827-3600 Option 2
The Election Day Voter Hotline is available on Election Day, November 2, from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM to assist voters with questions or concerns.
Voter Resources
Online voter resources include:
About New Mexico
State Poem – Spanish

The poem “A Nuevo Mexico,” written by Luis Tafoya in January 1911, was declared to be the official state poem during the 40th Legislative session in January 1991. The poem, with its English translation, is as follows:
“Levanta, Nuevo Mexico,
esa abatida frente
que anubla los encantos
de tu serena faz,
y alborozado acoje
corona refulgente,
Símbolo de gloria y de ventura
y paz.
Después de tantos anos de
lucha y de porfía,
tu suerte se ha cambiado
y ganas la victoria,
llegando a ver por fin
el venturoso dia
que es colmo de tu
dicha y fuente
de tu gloria.
Has sido un gran
imperio, colmado de riqueza,
y grandes contratiempos
tuviste que sufrir,
mas ahora triunfo pleno
alcanza tu entereza,
y el premio a tu constancia
pudiste conseguir.
Tu pueblo por tres
siglos aislado y solitario,
de nadie tuvo ayuda,
de nadie Proteccion,
lucho por su
existencia osado y temerario,
sellando con su sangre
dominio y posesión.
Tras tan heroico esfuerzo
por fin has merecido
el bien que procurabas
con insistencia tanta
de que en la Union de Estados
fueses admitido
con la soberanía que
al hombre libre encanta.
Obstáculos y estorbos del
todo desaparecen,
y entrada libre tienes
a la gloriosa Union, En
donde los ciudadanos prosperan
y florecen,
con tantas garantías
y tanta proteccion.
Por tan pasmosa dicha
el parabien te damos,
a ti como a tus hijos,
de honor tan señalado,
y que en tu nueva esfera
de veras esperamos
que a fuer de gran
imperio seras
un gran estado.