1 May 2024

Alex Curtas, Director of Communications
New Mexico Secretary of State’s Office

Secretary of State Launches Statewide Ad Campaign Warning Voters of AI Misinformation in 2024 Elections

SANTA FE – Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver today announced the launch of a new statewide advertising campaign as part of her Office’s commitment to combating misinformation during the 2024 election cycle. 

The purpose of the campaign is to educate voters about the potential risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI), deepfakes, and their potential impact on the manipulation of election information by malicious actors. The campaign aims to raise awareness and empower voters with knowledge to make informed decisions during the 2024 elections and beyond. 

“It’s officially election season and with the Primary Election happening soon on June 4, we want all New Mexicans to be aware of AI-manipulated media that could distort the truth about the election and candidates,” said Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver.  “With the creation of deepfakes and other manipulated media through AI software, seeing is no longer believing. We recommend that voters only access information from trusted sources – like their county clerk or the Secretary of State’s Office – while remaining skeptical of material from unknown entities. As the campaign’s tagline states, When In Doubt Check It Out.” 

Launched on May 1, 2024 across various media channels in New Mexico, the “Seeing is no longer believing” campaign was developed in collaboration with Esparza Advertising and will broadcast on social media, television stations, radio, outdoor billboards, and in print publications. The Secretary of State’s Office has also developed resources for the public, such as an AI Quiz for New Mexico voters and downloadable one-pagers with strategies for recognizing AI-manipulated media they may encounter during the 2024 elections.

“In the pursuit of safeguarding the sanctity of our democratic process, I proudly lead the advertising agency chosen by the New Mexico Secretary of State. Our mission is clear: to communicate the potential dangers of AI-altered political advertising, guarding against misinformation that may sway the voter’s choice. We stand committed to supporting the Secretary of State’s office in this noble endeavor,” said Del Esparza, CEO of Esparza Digital + Advertising

Voters can find out more about the campaign, take the AI Quiz, and access voter education resources at

This current campaign is part of the Secretary of State’s commitment to combating election misinformation that has seen a dramatic rise since 2020. It builds on previous work, such as the Rumor vs. Reality website maintained by the Office, and the Your Vote Counts, New Mexico!  media campaign highlighting the work of county election officials and educating voters about the integrity of New Mexico’s elections.

New Mexicans can typically identify deepfakes by carefully reviewing the details of the communication with a critical eye. The characteristics include:

●  Asymmetrical features such as hands, fingers, and facial exaggerations within photos

●  Lack of emotional expression in videos and pictures

●  Irregular shadows, blurred video, and flickering lights

●  Inconsistencies at the edge of people’s faces, which could be a result of face-swapping

●  Skin that appears too smooth or too wrinkly

●  Excessive blinking of the eyes and inconsistent facial expressions

●  Words that are slurred and said incorrectly

●  Voices that are monotone and sound unemotional with a lack of intonation

●  Low-quality background noise in videos and audio recordings

If New Mexicans receive any misinformation or deepfakes about elections or candidates, they are encouraged to report it to the Secretary of State’s office at  If they are unfamiliar with the information source, the Secretary of State urges that the information should not be shared on social media.  New Mexicans should also be skeptical of any requests via text or telephone that are out of character with the election, such as changes in voting dates and locations.
